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Thule Brotherhood

Page history last edited by Terminal1 11 years ago Saved with comment

A fascist group on Salem, seeking a pure human race. They oppose anything that is different including religion and magic, but mainly bloodlines and those that can be seen as openly different.


In the year AU11 the Thule Brotherhood made their move, seizing the reins of power from the ailing Church. Led by Emperor Steiner they moved swiftly to remove any who might stand against them. The Supreme Pontiff was murdered and many priests were killed at their hand or took their own lives as the new Emperor declared the Wissen false and outlawed both the Church and belief in God.


Since AU12 they have come out from behind closed doors and openly taken control of Eastern Salem


Some would say they are better than the those that came before, now people can read, travel and many things the Eastern Church banned, they are step in right direction, change does not always come quickly. Anyone odd or different, with unnatural skills, deformities or the slightest disfigurement are rounded up and imprisoned in concentration camps alongside those who remained loyal to the Church or God.


In the east The Thule brotherhood controls the minds of its people, hatred of anyone different is rife, religion is still banned and the Youth League terrorises.


The Youth League are fanaticaly devoted to the Thules cause and are not beyond sacrificing themselves for the Thule Brotherhood.



Programmed to counter abominations and are notoriosly hard to kill, adapting to many supernatural powers.

Effectively mindless killing Machines.

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