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Page history last edited by sidriss 5 years, 11 months ago

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Current Player Characters


Abasi Eris Lady Shang Von Tassenick Shugi Hisakawa
Aldurel Darkblood Fallon McUen Langstrome Sigvard Ulrichsson
Anjelika Larsson 'Angel' Father Shore  Leenea "Munin" Makay  Sir Kailen Otorno Istel
 Baron Kaine Valerious Fukurō Nobuhide Lord Chosokabe Zaizen  Sir Ry'ain
Baros-San Garaw Lord Sabota Von Tassenick  Sister Elena Rosarius
Bear McUen Gwydion  Lord Usagi  Steven Seagull 'The Chef'
Caffrey McUen Hans and Greta Loxley  Sven Od
 Caitlin Malpass Hazy McUen Magpye Swain
 Captain Grimstone Hope Markus Savant  Sykes 'Surly' Verity
Captain Woodburne Hussain  Mirshuko (Mir Blake)  Tanuki
 Caraway Ilona Miranda  Tarin Howell
 Carson Ivan Kollonov Montague Ravenscroft  Taurnil
 Cassandra Rose Jacque Higgins  Mr Scribe  Tauro Luciarno El Webo
Chance Under Starlight James Harker  Mr Snow  The Black Prince
Cordelia chosen of Penguin Jarl Halfaar  Nathaniel Sharp  Tigh
 Darathior Jarrin the Bard Prototype 614/B  Totty Mcuen
 Dashal Avalon Jemwyn Redman (Redvers Fenn Cooper)  Vela Meinhold
 Dr JaBE Joseph Kisner Rickard  Viktor Rykov
 Dr Jekyll Joshua Frayer (Rook) Ruby   W.B
 Edward Kalhulla McUen  Samuel Carver  Wordsworth
Enrique Luciarno Del Webo Kame Amatsu-Mikaboshi Saris  Wren
Epherus Ignis-Lucem Lady Bedeline Seeker  Wyatt Morrow












Retired Player Characters






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