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Society of New Science

Page history last edited by Paradox 13 years, 1 month ago

Formed around 13AU by the machine shaman Cordelia chosen of Penguin and the mechanist Heinrick Klug the Society of New Science was established to offer a home to the inventors of the world.  It is designed to give those who study technology and other 'new' fields, such as mathemancy, a home and a place to work where they will not be persecuted or forced to build weapons for unscrupulous people.  The society is based in Port of Saints and its current patron is Govenor James Dishwater.  While primarily an organisation for the advancement of science the Society also takes in students who are given a well rounded education, with those with the correct temprement and skills taught the so called new sciences of technology.


At present the faculty of the Society is very small, consisting of Heinrich, Coredlia and Ivan Kollonov.  Heinirich's apprentice Steven 'Sparks' Sparrow was being groomed to join the faculty before his untimely death and Chance Under Starlight was a member of the Faculty before his death. At present the Society is able to teach to a limited level Steam technology, Occult Engineering, Lightening Control, Clockwork minitures and Ghost in the Machine.  They are gaining an understanding of the base principles of Crystal tuning and Elemental Enslavement however no faculty member is currently able to teach either of these technologies.  The society is also seeking a faculty member to tech organic engineering.

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