
The Confederacy Islands

Page history last edited by Paradox 6 years, 3 months ago

The Confederacy Isles, Port Rabel, Port of Saints

The Confederacy Islands are similar in culture to the Spanish Main. The main centre has always been the Port of Saints, although recent times have seen it decimated by Demons and occupied by the White Hand. A battle with the Confederacy Navy and Marine forces which lasted over a year has seen the port retaken although still a ruin. Governor Medinacelli has moved back in a symbolic gesture, declaring that the Port will be rebuilt back to what it was. The Governor's Mansion was one of the few buildings still standing, although little but its walls remain.


The Isle of Port Rabel is next major island with Port Rabel as its main town. This island remains controlled by the Crimson Brotherhood who fiercely guard its waters. None may come close to its shore without being blown out the water.


Port Maracabo is worth a mention, since it contains a stable portal which are prized assets.


The Governors recently joined their Navies into one combined force under control of the Admiral in Chief to make them more efficient at protecting their most vital resource: The vast array of merchant ships that trade through its ports and take its goods of cotton, tobacco, bananas, tea and sugar around the world.


Most of the population follow the Vaudon. A religion who priest mambo or Houngan have a big influence on the population, easily equal to The Guilds. While the Governor’s claim rule, their trade deals, their wealth and the land they have has little influence on the day to day thinking and life of the average person in the Confederacy. The Governors set the direction of travel, but the Guilds and the Houngan have more impact on how people live their lives. 


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